Fishing Report – 10 November 2023

Beach and Rocks –
The rocks are fishing well after last week’s swells. Lots of good-sized bream have been caught at Avalon and Dee Why headlands. Lightly weighted peeled Hawkesbury prawns are accounting for the best fish.
Bream are also in reasonable numbers off the beaches – fish the end of the beach near the rocks for best results. Some berley will help bring them on the bite.
Whiting are starting to show up on the beaches and numbers should increase in the next few weeks – fish light and keep moving until you find the bite. Beach worms are the best bait. Try Dee Why to Long Reef and South Curl Curl. Look for a deeper inshore gutter with a sand bar behind it. Cast to the edge of the gutter and sandbar.
More reports this week of jewfish off the beaches. Try the North Narrabeen area near “The Pines” an hour either side of high tide. Use fresh squid for best results.
Narrabeen Lake –
The lake is still closed to the ocean and sand dredging continues. The are still some good fish being caught in the lake. Try near the entrance around the dredging areas for flathead and bream. Pilchards and Hawkesbury prawns are our recommended baits for the lake.
Offshore –
There is still quality-sized snapper being caught on the inner reefs. Boltons reef fished well during the week with snapper and trevally on the chew. Floating pillies and squid worked best. NBT regular Pete Calvin says there are plenty of tailor on the inner reefs biting off good snapper baits. Try a floating pilly on gang hooks to target both species.
Good catches of flathead were caught off Mona Vale at the 40m mark. Best baits are half pilchards and mullet strips.
Pittwater and Sydney Harbour –
Some great catches of bream in Pittwater during the week with fish to 42cm being taken. Try the McCarr’s Creek area around the moorings with our fresh Hawkesbury River prawns. Flathead are in good numbers on the incoming tide drift between Lion Island and Patonga.
Kingfish are schooling early morning at Morning Bay and Elvina Bay with some good sized fish sighted.
The harbour has kings in good numbers around Rose Bay but there re plenty of rats in the schools around the 65cm range. Salmon and tailor are in the same schools so plenty of fun to be had on light gear.
Almost all fish have been taken on fresh squid strips or floating unpeeled prawns.
Force Ten kids combos (great for Christmas) – $24.99
12’ Surf Rod combos from $79.99 (great value)
Shimano SW Stradic 8000 – $399.00 (One only – absolute bargain)