Fishing Report – 26 October 2023

Beach and Rocks –
A few nice whiting and bream are being caught at South Curl Curl and Long Reef beaches as well as a few small jews (75-80cm) coming from South Narrabeen. Best baits are beach worms. Try North Narrabeen after dark for salmon and tailor with our WA pilchards being the best bait.
We have a great range of surf rod/reel combos specially put together by our expert team so pop in and have a chat to our staff who will help you choose the right outfit.
Narrabeen Lake –
The lake is still fishing well for bream, flathead and mixed species such as flounder and mullet. Best spots are around the Jamieson Park area, Deep Creek, and the Wakehurst Parkway area. Plenty of fish being caught on Rapala Crush City plastics, Atomic Hardz lures and fresh Hawkesbury prawns.
The sand dredging is still ongoing near the entrance – hopefully a nice deep channel will keep the lake open during summer once the dredging is completed.
Offshore –
More reports of decent sized snapper coming from the inner reefs during the week. Also tailor, kingfish and trevally are on the bite at some of these reefs. Try Boltons, Newport Reef, or Trawleys.
For a feed of flathead try drifting the flathead grounds off Palm Beach and Narrabeen.
Pittwater and Sydney Harbour –
Plenty of surface action taking place in Pittwater and the Harbour at the moment. Look for the birds working and approach from upwind. They are easily spooked so cut your motor and drift into them. Mixed schools of tailor and salmon in Pittwater with Kings spotted amongst the bust ups. Small Halco Twisties are working well. James Allo took his girlfriend Issi out in Pittwater during the week and plenty of salmon and tailor were caught. (see pic)
Larger sized kings have been caught in reasonable numbers in Pittwater with the bays on the western side being the best places to try. Almost all fish have been taken on fresh squid strips or floating unpeeled prawns.
Flathead are still around on the drift at McCarr’s Creek, Sand Point and the western side of Scotland Island. Samaki Vibes and fresh mullet strips have been doing the damage.
Some good schools on Bonito were reported at Rose Bay and off Clifton Gardens.
Local Cuttlefish (frozen) – $9.99 per pack
Silstar Firestick combos with mono spooled 4000 reel -just $64.99 (ready to fish)
Samaki Vibelicious 70mm – $19.99 (a must have lure for any estuary)